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Ukulele Underground Review: Learn To Play The Uke Easily

Ukulele Underground Cover Image

This review dives into Ukulele Underground, a popular online course platform, to see if it can be your guide to ukulele mastery. Whether you’re a complete beginner strumming your first chords or a player looking to refine your skills, this review will unveil Ukulele Underground’s strengths and weaknesses. We’ll explore the course structure, instructor quality, content variety, and the overall learning experience.

Basic info

Who is this course for?

Ukulele Underground’s online course is designed for a wide range of ukulele players, likely appealing to:

  • Complete Beginners: Ukulele Underground offers beginner ukulele lessons that get you started with the basics,from holding the instrument to strumming your first chords.
  • Intermediate Players: If you already have some foundational knowledge, Ukulele Underground can help you improve your technique, learn new strumming patterns, and expand your song repertoire.
  • Advanced Players: Even advanced players can benefit from Ukulele Underground’s in-depth lessons on specific techniques, music theory for ukulele, and exploring different musical styles.

Overall, Ukulele Underground caters to anyone with a love for the ukulele, regardless of their current skill level.

Content and structure

Ukulele Underground structures its online course to accommodate learners at various stages of their ukulele journey.Beginners can embark on a guided path, starting with the absolute fundamentals like holding the instrument and proper posture. The course then progresses through essential techniques like strumming patterns and forming basic chords. As players gain confidence, Ukulele Underground introduces them to a wider song repertoire and more complex strumming variations.

The course doesn’t stop at strumming along to popular tunes. Ukulele Underground incorporates music theory lessons specifically tailored to the ukulele, helping players understand the building blocks of music and develop their skills further. For those seeking to explore different musical styles, the course offers lessons dedicated to genres like jazz or fingerpicking. This comprehensive structure ensures a well-rounded learning experience, taking students from their first tentative strums to a place of musical exploration and enjoyment.

A Structured Path for Beginners

Ukulele Underground shines in its beginner-friendly approach. The course meticulously walks you through the fundamentals, from holding the instrument correctly to forming your first chords. Clear video lessons demonstrate proper technique, making it easy to grasp even the trickier finger positions.

Beyond the Basics

Ukulele Underground goes beyond the typical beginner ukulele course. As your skills progress, the course introduces a diverse song library, teaching you popular tunes while expanding your strumming repertoire. This keeps the learning process engaging and allows you to put your newfound skills to practice with familiar melodies.

Theory for Ukulele Players? Yes Please!

What truly sets Ukulele Underground apart is its incorporation of music theory lessons specifically designed for the ukulele. Understanding the building blocks of music unlocks a deeper appreciation for the instrument and empowers you to learn songs by ear or even write your own.

Exploring Different Musical Horizons

For players seeking to venture beyond strumming basic chords, Ukulele Underground offers lessons dedicated to specific musical styles. Whether you’re drawn to the smooth sounds of jazz or the intricacies of fingerpicking, the course provides the tools to explore these techniques and expand your musical palette.

Is Ukulele Underground Right for You?

Ukulele Underground caters to a wide range of learners. Beginners will find a supportive environment to build a strong foundation, while intermediate and advanced players can hone their skills and explore new musical avenues.

Pros and cons


  • Structured Learning Path: Ukulele Underground excels with its beginner-friendly approach. It guides you meticulously through the basics, making it perfect for those picking up a ukulele for the first time.
  • Beyond the Strum: The course goes beyond simply strumming chords. It offers a diverse song library, allowing you to practice your skills with familiar melodies while keeping things engaging.
  • Music Theory Tailored for Ukulele: A unique strength of Ukulele Underground is its inclusion of music theory lessons specifically designed for the ukulele. This empowers you to understand music on a deeper level and potentially learn songs by ear or even write your own.
  • Exploring Musical Styles: For ukulele players seeking to expand their horizons, the course offers lessons dedicated to specific genres like jazz or fingerpicking, catering to a wider range of musical interests.
  • Wide Range of Learners: Ukulele Underground caters to beginners, intermediate players, and even advanced players looking to refine specific techniques or explore new styles.


  • Video-Centric Learning: The platform relies heavily on video instruction. This might not be ideal for learners who prefer a more interactive approach with personalized feedback from an instructor.
  • Subscription Fee: While Ukulele Underground offers a wealth of content, it comes at a cost. There are many free online ukulele resources available, though they may lack the structure and guidance of a paid course.
  • No Personalized Feedback: The course doesn’t offer opportunities for direct feedback from an instructor, which can be a drawback for some learners who crave individualized guidance.

The verdict


The Final Strum: Ukulele Underground provides a well-structured, comprehensive online course that caters to ukulele players of all skill levels. With its clear video lessons, diverse song library, and incorporation of music theory, Ukulele Underground offers a valuable resource for anyone looking to embark on their ukulele journey or refine their existing skills. However, if you crave personalized feedback or prefer a completely free learning experience, Ukulele Underground might not be the perfect fit.

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