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Udemy Saxophone Courses Review

Learning to play saxophone cover picture

Udemy is a well-known online learning platform that provides a number of courses for musicians as well. You can find more than 40 courses for saxophonists that offer different focus, length, and quality. An advantage is the possibility of filtering courses according to your preferences and user reviews. In this Udemy saxophone courses review, we’ll take a look at the most interesting ones and help you navigate through them.

Basic info

Who are Udemy saxophone courses for?

Udemy saxophone courses can be a good fit for a variety of learners, depending on the specific course and your learning goals. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Beginners: There are courses designed for complete beginners with no prior musical experience. These courses will typically start with the absolute basics, like assembling the saxophone, proper embouchure, and producing sound.
  • Intermediate players: If you already have some experience playing the saxophone, you can find courses that focus on specific skills like improvisation, technique improvement, or learning particular styles of music (e.g., jazz,classical).
  • Self-motivated learners: Udemy courses are self-paced, so you’ll need the discipline to stick with the material and practice regularly. There’s no instructor directly guiding you, so being comfortable with independent learning is important.

Content and structure

You will find detailed information about each Udemy saxophone course, including the content of each lesson, information about the instructor and their experience, the number of active students, and more.

The structure of Udemy saxophone courses can vary depending on the instructor and the specific course content, but here’s a general idea:

Modules and Lessons: Most courses are divided into modules, which then break down into individual video lessons.Modules typically focus on a specific skill or concept, like proper breathing techniques or learning scales. Lessons within a module will then delve deeper into that concept with video demonstrations, explanations, and sometimes practice exercises.

Video Lectures: The core of most Udemy courses is video instruction. Instructors will demonstrate techniques, explain musical concepts, and guide you through exercises. The length of these videos can vary, but they’re typically bite-sized and manageable, ranging from a few minutes to around 20 minutes each.

Supporting Materials: Some courses may offer additional resources alongside the video lectures. This could include downloadable PDFs with sheet music, practice exercises, or supplementary materials to reinforce the concepts covered in the videos.

Practice and Self-paced Learning: Udemy courses emphasize self-paced learning. You can progress through the material at your own speed and revisit lessons as needed. However, the onus is on you to actively practice what you learn outside of the course videos. Some instructors may recommend practice routines or specific exercises to complement the video instruction.

Interaction and Community: Unlike traditional classroom settings, interaction with the instructor in Udemy courses is usually limited. Some instructors may offer Q&A sections within the course platform, but real-time feedback might be scarce. However, some Udemy courses may have discussion forums where students can connect and share their progress or ask questions.

Keep in mind: This is a general structure, and there can be variations. Always check the course description to see how the specific course you’re interested in is organized.

Pros and cons


  • Flexibility and Affordability: Udemy courses are self-paced, so you can learn at your own convenience and revisit lessons as needed. They’re also generally much cheaper than traditional in-person lessons.
  • Variety of Courses: There are courses for all skill levels and interests, from absolute beginners to advanced players looking to refine specific techniques.
  • Learn from Qualified Instructors: Many Udemy instructors are professional saxophonists with years of experience.You can gain valuable insights from their teaching styles and approaches.
  • Supplemental Materials: Some courses offer downloadable materials like sheet music, practice exercises,


  • Limited Feedback: Unlike in-person lessons, you won’t get personalized feedback from the instructor. This can make it difficult to identify and correct bad technique habits.
  • Self-Motivation Required: Udemy courses rely on self-discipline. There’s no instructor holding you accountable for practicing regularly.
  • Variable Course Quality: With a vast course library, quality can vary. Reading reviews and checking instructor credentials is crucial before enrolling.
  • Lack of Interaction: Interaction with instructors and classmates is usually limited. This can be isolating for learners who thrive in a social learning environment.

The verdict


Udemy offers a compelling selection of saxophone courses for a wide range of learners. With their flexible structure,affordability, and variety of qualified instructors, they can be a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced players.

However, it’s important to be aware of the limitations. The lack of personalized feedback can hinder progress, and success relies heavily on your self-motivation to practice consistently.

Here’s the takeaway:

  • If you’re a disciplined learner who thrives with self-paced learning, a Udemy course can be a great way to learn saxophone at your own convenience and budget.
  • If you value real-time feedback and the social aspect of learning, then a traditional in-person teacher might be a better choice.

No matter which route you choose, remember that consistent practice is key to mastering the saxophone.

Ultimately, the best Udemy saxophone course for you depends on your individual goals and learning style. By carefully considering the pros and cons, and researching specific courses and instructors, you can find a valuable resource to take your saxophone playing to the next level.

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