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Udemy Drums And Percussion Online Courses Review

Udemy percussions courses

Udemy is a popular online learning platform that offers a vast selection of courses, including a wide range of options for aspiring drummers and percussionists. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned player looking to refine your skills, Udemy has something to offer. Here’s a breakdown of the platform’s strengths and weaknesses to help you decide if it’s the right fit for your drumming journey.

Basic info

Who are Udemy courses for?

  • Absolute Beginners: Udemy offers beginner-friendly courses that provide a solid foundation in drumming fundamentals, including proper posture, grip, and basic beats.
  • Genre Enthusiasts: If you have a specific genre in mind, like rock or Latin, Udemy has targeted courses that can help you develop genre-specific skills.
  • Supplement to In-Person Learning: Udemy courses can be a valuable supplement to traditional lessons. They can help you solidify concepts learned from your teacher and provide additional practice material.

Content and structure

What You'll Learn in Udemy Drums and Percussion Courses

Udemy’s drumming course library encompasses a vast array of topics, catering to all skill levels and musical interests.Here’s a glimpse into the kind of content you can expect to find:

  • Foundational Techniques: Absolute beginner courses establish a strong foundation in essential drumming techniques. This includes proper posture, grip variations, basic rudiments, and essential beats like the rock beat,blues shuffle, and swing patterns.
  • Genre-Specific Skills: Many courses delve into the intricacies of specific musical genres. You’ll find dedicated courses for rock drumming, exploring double bass techniques, fills, and powerful grooves. Jazz drumming courses might cover improvisation techniques, brush playing, and unique hi-hat patterns. Latin drumming courses could introduce you to polyrhythms, clave patterns, and the exciting world of Afro-Cuban drumming.
  • Electronic Drumming: For those drawn to electronic music production, there are courses dedicated to electronic drum programming, exploring the use of electronic drum sets, samplers, and drum VSTs (Virtual Studio Technology). These courses can teach you how to create pulsating beats and sound effects for electronic music genres.
  • Practice and Application: Many instructors incorporate practice routines and play-along tracks into their courses.This allows you to apply the concepts you’re learning and groove along to backing music loops. Some courses even offer downloadable materials like cheat sheets and practice exercises.

Structure of Udemy Drums and Percussion Courses

The structure of Udemy drumming courses varies depending on the instructor and the course topic. However, here’s a general outline you’ll often encounter:

  • Lecture-Style Videos: The core instruction is typically delivered through video lectures. Instructors explain drumming concepts, demonstrate techniques, and break down various beats and fills. The platform allows you to adjust the playback speed, which can be helpful when learning more complex patterns.
  • Supplemental Materials: Many instructors enhance their courses with downloadable materials like cheat sheets with essential rudiments or drum music notation exercises. Some might even provide backing tracks or drumless tracks to allow you to practice along with complete songs.
  • Community Interaction: Udemy courses often include a Q&A section where you can post questions and interact with the instructor and other students. This can be a valuable resource to clarify concepts or get advice on overcoming drumming challenges.

Engagement Methods

Udemy’s learning approach emphasizes a blend of video instruction and practical application. Here are some methods that keep you engaged:

  • Practice Routines: Instructors often incorporate practice routines into their courses. These routines provide structured exercises to help you develop your drumming skills and muscle memory.
  • Play-Along Tracks: Many courses include play-along tracks that allow you to put your newfound skills to the test.These tracks can range from simple loops to full backing tracks for popular songs, allowing you to experiment and develop your timing and feel.
  • Downloadable Materials: Supplemental materials like cheat sheets and drum notation exercises can solidify your understanding of the concepts covered in the lectures.

Pros and cons


  • Diversity of Courses: Udemy boasts a vast course library that caters to all skill levels and musical interests. You’ll find courses dedicated to specific genres like rock, jazz, and Latin, along with beginner fundamentals and electronic drumming tutorials. This allows you to find a course that aligns with your musical goals.
  • Renowned Instructors: Many Udemy courses are taught by professional drummers and percussionists with proven track records. Learning from experienced players offers valuable insights and techniques you might not find elsewhere.Some instructors are even Grammy award winners!
  • Flexible Learning: The beauty of Udemy courses is their self-paced nature. You can learn at your own convenience,revisiting sections you find challenging and progressing at your own speed. This makes it ideal for busy schedules.
  • Affordable Prices: Udemy courses are typically much cheaper than traditional in-person lessons. They also frequently go on sale, making them a budget-friendly option for learning drums.


  • Variable Quality: With such a vast course library, the quality can vary. It’s crucial to read reviews and check instructor credentials before enrolling. Look for courses with high ratings and detailed previews to ensure they meet your expectations.
  • Lack of Personalized Feedback: Unlike in-person lessons, Udemy courses lack personalized feedback. While some instructors offer Q&A sections, it can’t replace the one-on-one guidance of a drum teacher who can assess your form and technique.
  • Practice Buddy Disadvantage: Learning drums is a social activity, and the camaraderie of having a practice buddy can be motivating. Udemy courses are solitary experiences, so you’ll need to find other ways to stay engaged and motivated.

The verdict


Udemy emerges as a compelling platform for learning drums and percussion. With its extensive course library catering to all skill levels and musical interests, it offers a versatile and affordable way to elevate your drumming game.

For beginners, Udemy provides a solid foundation in drumming fundamentals, while experienced players can delve into genre-specific techniques or explore the world of electronic drumming. The self-paced learning format allows you to progress at your own speed, while downloadable materials and play-along tracks enhance the practical application of the concepts learned.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the limitations. The lack of personalized feedback can be a drawback, and the solitary nature of the courses might not provide the motivational spark some learners crave. Udemy should be viewed as a supplement to your drumming journey, not a replacement for a qualified drum teacher who can offer guidance and address your individual needs.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a comprehensive, affordable, and self-paced way to learn drums or expand your drumming horizons, Udemy is a strong contender. Just manage your expectations and consider it a stepping stone on your path to rhythmic mastery.

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