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Fender Play Guitar Review: Best App For Guitar Beginners?

Fender Play Cover Image

The abundance of online learning resources can be overwhelming. Fear not, aspiring guitarist! This review dives deep into Fender Play, a popular app designed to guide you on your musical journey. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some prior experience, Fender Play promises a structured and engaging approach to learning guitar. This review will unveil the app’s strengths and weaknesses, helping you decide if it’s the perfect fit for your musical aspirations.

We’ll explore the curriculum, instructor quality, and the overall user experience. We’ll also discuss Fender Play’s unique features and how it stacks up against other online guitar learning platforms.

Basic info

Who is this course for?


Fender Play targets two main audiences for learning guitar:

  • Beginners: This is the app’s core demographic. Fender Play’s curriculum starts from the absolute basics, assuming no prior guitar knowledge.
  • Intermediate Players (to a lesser extent): While Fender Play offers structured learning for beginners, it can also benefit some intermediate players looking to brush up on fundamentals, learn new techniques, or explore specific styles.

Here’s a breakdown of who might find Fender Play most useful:

  • Anyone who has always wanted to learn guitar but never had the chance
  • People with little to no musical experience
  • Those looking for a structured and user-friendly learning platform
  • Guitarists who want to revisit the basics and solidify their foundation
  • Musicians interested in specific techniques or styles offered by the app

It’s important to note that Fender Play might not be ideal for advanced guitarists. If you’re already at a high level,you might find the curriculum repetitive and lacking the depth needed for further development.

Content and structure

what guitar students appreciate about Fender play guitar app?

  • Genre Variety: Fender Play boasts a vast library with lessons spanning various genres like rock, blues, country, and pop. You’ll learn songs by your favorite artists, keeping the learning process fun and familiar.
  • Structured Learning Path: The app offers a progressive curriculum, starting with the absolute fundamentals and gradually building on your skills.
  • Focus on Songs: Fender Play prioritizes learning guitar through playing actual songs. This approach allows you to apply your knowledge and see real-world results quickly.
  • Supplemental Material: Beyond songs, the app offers additional lessons on essential techniques, music theory basics like chords and scales, and proper guitar care.

How are lessons structured?

  • Bite-Sized Lessons: Lessons are kept short and focused, making them ideal for busy schedules and maintaining motivation.
  • Level System: The curriculum is divided into progressive levels, ensuring you build a strong foundation before moving on to more complex techniques.
  • Personalized Learning: The app tailors the learning path based on your progress and interests.

Teaching Method

  • Expert Instructors: Fender Play boasts a team of experienced and engaging instructors who guide you through each lesson with clear explanations and demonstrations.
  • Video-Based Learning: The app primarily relies on high-quality video lessons, allowing you to see proper technique and hand positioning clearly.
  • Slow-Motion Options: For trickier techniques, you can slow down the video playback to grasp the movements in detail.

Interactive Functions

  • Feedback Mode: This innovative feature analyzes your playing and provides real-time feedback on accuracy. You can track your progress and strive for better scores.
  • Backing Tracks: Practice your skills by jamming along with professional backing tracks that simulate a band experience.
  • Practice Tools: Fender Play equips you with a built-in tuner, metronome, and chord charts to enhance your practice sessions.
  • Looping Function: Isolate specific sections of a song and loop them for focused practice.

By combining these elements, Fender Play aims to create a well-rounded and engaging learning experience for aspiring guitarists.

Pros and cons


  • Beginner-Friendly: Fender Play excels at guiding complete beginners. It starts with the absolute basics and gradually builds your skills, ensuring a solid foundation.
  • Song-Oriented Learning: Learning through playing actual songs keeps things fun and engaging. You’ll be strumming familiar tunes while building your skills.
  • Engaging Instructors: The team of experienced instructors makes learning enjoyable with clear explanations and demonstrations.
  • Interactive Features: Feedback mode, backing tracks, and practice tools like tuners and metronomes enhance your learning experience.
  • Structured Learning Path: The curriculum is well-organized with bite-sized lessons and a level system, keeping you motivated and progressing steadily.
  • Genre Variety: Explore your musical tastes with lessons spanning various genres, from rock and blues to country and pop.


  • Limited for Advanced Players: Seasoned guitarists might find the app repetitive and lacking the depth needed for further development.
  • Focus on Songs over Theory: While Fender Play teaches essential techniques, it places less emphasis on music theory compared to some competitors.
  • No Live Feedback: The app can’t provide personalized, real-time feedback from a human instructor like in-person lessons.
  • Subscription Model: Continuous learning requires a monthly or annual subscription fee.
  • Limited Platform Availability: There’s currently no Apple TV app, although casting options might be available.

The verdict


In conclusion, Fender Play shines as a user-friendly platform for aspiring guitarists, particularly beginners. However, if you’re an advanced player or crave a deep dive into music theory, you might need to explore other options alongside Fender Play. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your musical goals and learning style.

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