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McGill Music Sax School Review

McGill Music Sax School

Whether you’re a complete beginner holding your instrument for the first time, or a seasoned player looking to refine your skills, McGill’s Sax School Online offers a comprehensive and engaging learning platform.

This review delves into the program’s strengths and weaknesses, helping you decide if it’s the right fit for your musical journey. We’ll explore the curriculum structure, teaching style, and the supportive online community that makes McGill’s Sax School Online a unique learning experience.

So, grab your saxophone, turn the page, and discover if McGill’s Sax School Online holds the key to unlocking your musical potential.

Basic info

Who is this course for?

McGill’s Sax School Online caters to a wide range of saxophone enthusiasts, from complete beginners to more experienced players looking to refine their skills. Here’s a breakdown of who might benefit most:

  • Absolute Beginners: The program offers a structured path for those with no prior musical experience. You’ll learn the fundamentals of saxophone playing, from assembling the instrument to producing your first notes.
  • Returning Players: If you haven’t played in a while and want to refresh your memory or brush up on your technique, McGill’s Sax School Online can help you get back on track.
  • Intermediate Players: The program offers courses designed to take your playing to the next level. You can delve into improvisation techniques, explore specific genres like jazz or blues, and learn to play your favorite songs.
  • Enthusiastic Players: Even if you’re comfortable playing, McGill’s Sax School Online provides a platform to keep learning and growing as a musician. You can explore new techniques, gain insights from experienced instructors,and connect with a supportive online community.

Overall, McGill’s Sax School Online is designed for anyone with a passion for the saxophone who wants to learn,improve, and enjoy the joy of playing this beautiful instrument.

Content and structure

Curriculum: A Structured Journey or Open Exploration?

McGill’s Sax School Online offers a vast library of lessons categorized by skill level and musical style. Beginners can follow structured pathways that introduce core techniques, music theory, and playing songs. More experienced players can delve into specific topics like improvisation, articulation, or explore genres like jazz, blues, or classical.

While the structure provides a clear path, some users find the sheer volume of content overwhelming. The platform also offers a “Sax Lite” option with a more streamlined course selection for those who prefer a focused approach.

Teaching Style: Engaging and Encouraging

Nigel McGill, the founder, is the heart and soul of the program. His teaching style is praised for being clear, concise, and engaging. Lessons are delivered in a friendly and approachable manner, making even complex concepts easy to understand. While the prerecorded format lacks the personalized feedback of a live instructor, McGill offers tips for self-assessment and encourages students to utilize the online community for support.

A Supportive Online Community: More Than Just Lessons

One of the biggest strengths of McGill’s Sax School Online is its vibrant online community. Students can connect with each other through forums and discussion boards, share playing experiences, offer encouragement, and answer each other’s questions. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and keeps you motivated on your musical journey.

Is McGill's Sax School Online Right for You?

Here are some key factors to consider before signing up:

  • Learning Style: Do you thrive with a structured curriculum or prefer a more open-ended exploration?
  • Self-Motivation: Online learning requires self-discipline. Can you set aside dedicated practice time and stay committed?
  • Feedback: While the online community offers support, there’s no substitute for personalized feedback from a live instructor.

Pros and cons


  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Offers a wide range of lessons for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players.Structured learning paths for beginners and a vast library for experienced players to explore specific techniques and genres.
  • Engaging Teaching Style: Friendly and approachable instruction by founder Nigel McGill makes learning enjoyable and clear.
  • Supportive Online Community: A valuable resource for motivation, peer feedback, and fostering a sense of camaraderie amongst students.
  • Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace and schedule with pre-recorded lessons accessible anytime, anywhere.
  • Cost-Effective: Subscription fee offers access to a vast library of content compared to the cost of traditional lessons.
  • “Sax Lite” Option: Streamlined course selection provides a more focused approach for those who prefer a structured path.


  • Lack of Personalized Feedback: Pre-recorded lessons lack real-time feedback from an instructor to address individual playing issues.
  • Can Be Overwhelming: The sheer amount of content might feel overwhelming for some beginners, especially with no initial guidance on where to start.
  • Self-Motivation Required: Online learning demands self-discipline to set aside dedicated practice time and stay committed.
  • No Live Instruction: Those who prefer the interaction and personal attention of a live instructor might find the online format lacking.

The verdict


McGill’s Sax School Online offers a comprehensive and well-organized learning platform for saxophone players of all levels. The vast library of content, engaging teaching style, and supportive online community make it a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their playing and experience the joy of music. However, if you crave the personalized feedback of a live instructor or struggle with self-motivation, you might want to consider traditional lessons in addition to the online program.

Ultimately, the best way to decide if McGill’s Sax School Online is right for you is to take advantage of the free trial and explore the platform yourself.

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