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SingPro Review – The Best App For Voice Practice?

SingPro review

inging is a rewarding skill that can boost your confidence and bring joy to your life. But where do you begin, especially if you’re a complete beginner? In this review, we’ll delve into SingPro, a mobile app designed to help aspiring singers like you find their voice. We’ll explore its content, structure, and the technology behind its teaching methods. We’ll also weigh the pros and cons to help you decide if SingPro is the right path to hone your vocal abilities and unleash your inner rockstar (or opera singer,whatever your style may be!).

Basic info

Who is this course for?

The SingPro app is geared towards two main audiences interested in improving their singing:

  • Beginners: If you’ve never received formal vocal training and want a structured approach to learning the fundamentals of singing, SingPro offers a good foundation. The video lessons and exercises progressively build your skills, starting with breath control and warm-up techniques.

  • Intermediate Singers: Even if you have some experience singing, SingPro can help you refine your technique. It delves into more advanced topics like resonance and phrasing, helping you add nuance and control to your voice.

Content and structure


SingPro offers a variety of resources, including:

  • Video lessons: Taught by established vocal coaches, these lessons cover various aspects of singing, from breath control and warm-up techniques to advanced topics like resonance and phrasing.
  • Warm-up exercises: Backed by piano and singing accompaniments, these exercises help you prepare your voice for practice.
  • Vocal technique exercises: Designed to target specific areas like pitch accuracy and vocal range, these exercises provide a structured way to improve your technique.
  • Vocal recorder: Record yourself singing and playback to identify areas for improvement. While it doesn’t offer real-time pitch correction, it allows for self-assessment.

The content is well-organized and progressively structured, taking you from foundational concepts to more complex techniques.

Technology of Learning

SingPro relies on a blend of video instruction, guided exercises, and self-practice with a recording function. While it doesn’t provide features like real-time pitch feedback or personalized coaching, it offers a solid framework for independent learning.

Pros and cons


  • Structured curriculum: SingPro provides a clear path for learning, guiding you through various aspects of vocal technique.
  • Renowned instructors: Learn from established vocal coaches, gaining valuable insights and expertise.
  • Versatility: The app caters to a range of skill levels, from beginners to more advanced singers.
  • Accessibility: SingPro is available on various platforms (iOS, Android, Mac, and PC), allowing you to learn on your preferred device.


  • High cost: SingPro comes with a hefty price tag, which might be a deterrent for casual learners.
  • Self-directed learning: The app requires a high level of self-motivation and discipline to stay on track with the exercises.

The verdict


SingPro is a well-structured app with high-quality video lessons and a range of exercises. However, its lack of real-time feedback and high price might be a turn-off for some. If you’re a self-motivated learner looking for a comprehensive vocal training program, SingPro could be a valuable tool. But if you crave personalized feedback and guidance, exploring online coaching platforms or finding a local vocal teacher might be a better option.

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