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The Vocalist Studio Review: Top Online Lessons For Singers

The Vocalist Studio Course

This review delves into The Vocalist Studio online singing courses, a program designed to empower singers of all levels to unlock their full vocal potential. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned performer, this review will shed light on the curriculum, teaching style, and potential benefits of The Vocalist Studio’s approach.

Within these pages, you’ll discover a critical analysis of the program’s strengths and weaknesses, equipping you to make an informed decision about whether The Vocalist Studio is the right fit for your unique vocal journey.

Basic info

Who is this course for?

The Vocalist Studio online singing lessons cater to a range of aspiring singers, but here’s a breakdown of who might benefit the most:

Ideal Students:

  • Serious Singers with Dedication: This program is designed for those truly committed to improving their vocal technique. It’s in-depth and requires consistent practice.
  • Beginners and Intermediate Singers: The lessons offer a solid foundation in vocal technique, making them suitable for those starting their vocal journey or looking to refine their existing skills.
  • Singers Across Genres: While the focus is on technique, the training equips you to sing various styles, from pop to classical.
  • Self-Directed Learners: The program offers a structured curriculum, but thrives with independent practice and a commitment to following the exercises.

Who Might Look Elsewhere:

  • Casual Singers: If you just want to sing for fun without a strong focus on technical aspects, a simpler program or individual lessons might suffice.
  • Those Needing Personalized Attention: The online format doesn’t provide real-time feedback. If you crave one-on-one guidance, consider in-person lessons.
  • Those on a Tight Budget: The Full Course Upgrade has a one-time fee, which might be a barrier for some.Consider the Udemy option or explore free resources if budget is a major concern.

Overall, The Vocalist Studio caters to dedicated singers who want a structured, technique-focused online program to improve their vocal abilities across various genres.

Content and structure

A Deep Dive into Vocal Technique

The Vocalist Studio boasts an impressive library. Over 24 hours of video and audio content, encompassing over 180 individual lessons, provide a deep dive into the world of vocal technique. Core areas like breath support, vocal placement,and healthy singing practices are meticulously covered. This focus on technique equips you with a transferable skillset,allowing you to tackle various genres with a strong foundation.

The program doesn’t stop at technicalities. Vocal workouts, downloadable practice exercises, and an e-book brimming with valuable information become your sheet music, guiding you through drills and warm-up routines that solidify your learning.

A Clear Path to Vocal Mastery

Imagine a well-organized music stand holding your sheet music. The Vocalist Studio mirrors this structure. The lessons are meticulously organized into modules, creating a clear path for your vocal development. You’ll begin with foundational skills like proper breathing and posture, gradually progressing to more advanced techniques like resonance and ornamentation. This structured learning path ensures a well-rounded educational experience, taking you from tentative notes to a more confident performance.

Technology of Learning: Video Takes Center Stage

The Vocalist Studio places Robert Lunte, a vocal coach with over 20 years of experience, at the center of your learning experience. Through video demonstrations and clear explanations, he guides you through the intricacies of vocal technique. The self-paced learning format allows you to progress at your own speed and revisit lessons as needed. While convenient, this method lacks the real-time feedback that in-person lessons can offer.

Pros and cons


  • In-Depth Technique Training: The program’s core strength lies in its emphasis on building a strong foundation in vocal techniques. This focus equips you to sing across various genres with confidence.
  • Structured Learning Path: The organized modules create a clear roadmap for your vocal development, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.
  • Lifetime Access: The Full Course Upgrade provides lifetime access to the entire program. This allows you to revisit lessons, practice exercises, and refine your skills at any time.
  • Variety of Resources: From video lessons to downloadable materials and practice routines, The Vocalist Studio offers a diverse range of resources to support your learning journey.


  • Self-Directed Learning: The program thrives on self-motivation and consistent practice. Those who struggle with independent learning might find it challenging to stay focused and committed.
  • Potentially Overwhelming Content: The sheer volume of content, particularly for beginners, can be intimidating.Navigating the extensive library might require some time and organization.
  • Cost: The Full Course Upgrade comes with a one-time fee, which might be a barrier for some budget-conscious singers.

The verdict


The Vocalist Studio online singing program offers a valuable resource for singers who are serious about building a strong vocal foundation. The in-depth content, structured format, and access to expert knowledge empower you to take charge of your vocal development. However, the lack of personalized feedback and the reliance on self-directed learning are important considerations.

If you’re a dedicated singer who thrives on independent learning and prioritizes building a strong technical foundation,The Vocalist Studio can be your guide on the path to vocal mastery. However, if you crave the personalized attention and guidance of a vocal coach, or if budget is a major concern, you might want to explore other options like in-person lessons or free online resources. Ultimately, the decision lies in your unique learning style and vocal aspirations.

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